4 min read
How one sentence changed my life (and can change yours too)
You are getting bored at your job. Everyday feels like groundhog day. You worked hard to finish Q1, and then BAM!, another quarter starts...

5 min read
Are you in the ‘waiting room’?
This blog originally appeared in the Faith Driven Entrepreneur website. One of the hardest things many of us experience is waiting for...

2 min read
An idea to end racism, sexual harassment, and more
“Siblings just fight.” “They’re just being sisters.” “That’s just them being brothers.” When we say those statements, we are giving our...

2 min read
Don’t wait to get fired to do this.
4 years ago I was fired from my job. Yup, fired. Just what every guy dreams of. 40 years old, unemployed with a stay-at-home wife, and 3...

2 min read
Why you need to push through the resistance
“Girls let’s go biking” I said. “No, dad. It is going to rain.”, one daughter said. “We have a couple of hours before it rains and if it...

2 min read
What should you focus on?
Are you overwhelmed? Too much to do? Being overwhelmed is a lack of clarity. A lack of focus. Recently I asked my clients, ‘why do you...

1 min read
Why you may not be in a season of growth
Finding information to grow is easy. It is everywhere. Millions of books have been written, tons of podcasts available, inspirational...

1 min read
Are you a doer or a dreamer?
Are you too busy with your head down working on emails to know what your goals are for this year? Or maybe you are too busy dreaming and...

3 min read
People are idiots
The following is an excerpt from my book, ‘Win at Home First’. Peter is a successful marketing executive with a Fortune 50 company I have...

2 min read
How comparing yourself to others is a good thing
Yes, when we compare only the results of others to our own results – that is bad. However, it is good when we compare our efforts to...

1 min read
Who can you propel today?
Are you an anchor or propeller? (BTW – you can read a real-life case study at the bottom of this post on where this image came from 🙂 )...

5 min read
What is unshakeable in your life?
During this pandemic, we have all had our share of ups and downs. Recently I gave a talk providing some learnings from my journey the...

3 min read
How do I check in with God more?
Recently I wrote a blog, “Do You Feel Abandoned and Want to Quit?”, that had one of the highest open rates of my emails. I also received...

3 min read
Do you feel abandoned so you want to quit?
We all want to give up at different times. Especially if we think God has abandoned the ‘God idea’ we are working on. We start the...

4 min read
Here is how to make art out of deadwood
During this quarantine, I have seen a few different postures taken by leaders. Some are in panic mode, while others are in prayer. Some...

3 min read
Do you need help getting out of a rut?
This post may be for you if you are the provider for your family? Or are you an over-achiever? Maybe you are an Enneagram 3 like...

3 min read
4 reasons to stop being passive at home.
Recently I had the opportunity to speak to a few different women’s groups to share concepts from ‘Win at Home First’. The talks went...

2 min read
Do people you lead have a voice? What about your spouse?
Recently I was a guest on a women’s mastermind online coaching program for Cherylanne Skolnicki, to provide follow up Q&A to a ‘Win at...

3 min read
What!?!? Why did it take 2 years?
When I received the below email, I got fired up. I remember the conference they are referencing, as well as the talk. Matter of fact,...

3 min read
Will you come with me?
Below is an excerpt from my book, ‘Win at Home First’, that I have heard on more than one occasion was impactful to individuals and their...